In Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League, you and up to three more players can bring even more chaos to an already at-the-brink-of-destruction-Metropolis. But given the size of the city, is it possible to fast travel in the game? And if so, how?
Here’s how to unlock and use fast travel in Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League.
How to Use and Unlock Fast Travel in Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League
You can fast travel in Suicide Squad Kill the Justice by heading to the map screen and pressing Up on the control pad. The ability to fast travel will be unlocked after you complete the Data Downloaded Main Mission and unlock the ability to improve your weapon’s augments.
Unfortunately, as shown in the image below, you can only fast-travel to the Hall of Justice and nowhere else in Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League. Whether you are completing the main story or participating in postgame activities, mastering the traversal moves of your character of choice is the only way to cover ground fast.

Who is the Best Character for Traversal in Kill the Justice League?
Although all characters are capable of moving swiftly through the map, I found that among the game’s current cast of four, King Shark has the best traversal options. Among his set of abilities, the character is capable of steamrolling while on the ground by running at high speed and performing long jumps capable of covering large distances even in areas lacking footholds.
To make sure you can get access to the whole Suicide Squad KJL experience from the get-go, don’t forget also to check out How to Fix Deluxe Edition and Pre-Order Skins Not Showing Up in Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League.
This guide was made while playing Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League on PlayStation 5.
Published: Feb 1, 2024 01:43 pm